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The Challenge

The Jam People have created a jam with significantly less sugar, using only natural ingredients. On a mission to change how people consume jam for the better, a robust brand strategy and brand identity were vital to differentiating them in a crowded marketplace. Recognising the appetite for expansion into the future, Bradley had to create a brand that allowed that space for growth.

Bradley Delivered

Bradley developed a brand strategy to lead the creation of an identity that communicated their point of difference. From strategy and creative came a new brand name, Mór Taste, making it relevant to the Irish market as a local product.

It was crucial not to dilute the messaging to a diet or “free from” brand and to accentuate its key benefits on pack. Our design team crafted a brand that has been implemented across all digital touchpoints to support their social media and website.


Client Satisfaction

Bradley understood our product, our customers and our ambitions and developed a robust brand strategy, sticky name and confident identity that reflected what we wanted to achieve. Working with Bradley also brought my previous market knowledge and research into new light. The application of design-thinking to consumer research allowed for a market relevant brand to be created; positively and effectively showcasing our jam. We're delighted with its success to date and look forward to expanding our reach and our range.

Felix Oster
