Ireland’s newest entrant to the energy market, wanted to make waves by creating competition in a complacent landscape. Not just a price driven contender, they also give customers greater control by sharing their data insights in a tracking app, putting their energy usage visibility right at their fingertips.
They needed a brand to differentiate them beyond this. Being a disruptor in the market and new to the space, the brand needed to be able to grow and expand as their offering does into the future. Bradley relished the challenge of advocating for customers and creating a thorn in the side of competitors. Here was also a brand that could grow legs and go wherever the company expands to, in their exciting entrepreneurial endeavours.
Bradley delivered ‘Yuno Energy’, a stand out brand to make its mark in the utilities scene in Ireland. Creating a brand platform for this new brand to stand out meant articulating their data tracking facility as a value proposition, as their open insights, straight talking, no secrets approach to energy use gives the control to the customer.
The Yuno Energy brand gives customers a real chance to be savvy about their supply, in a meaningful and tangible way. This personal and trustworthy brand needed a name to resonate with their audience in a way others had not, but also in a way that demonstrates their commitment to keeping their customers in the loop and in the know. Yuno Energy puts the customer first, and gives them the power to control their energy use in a real way. Yuno Energy needed a voice that communicates this handover of control to the customer. This is felt across every touchpoint of the brand, through their language, their brand identity, the application of their brand logo and colours across platforms, and the user journey.
From first impressions of their advertising, to discovery online, on the app, and the journey to join and interact with the app, Yuno Energy gives you control.
Bradley has been involved in the creation of the brand, the design and implementation of the identity, and the planning of the digital experience online and on app.
We’ve also been involved in the launch of the brand, art directing the commercial photoshoot and taking part in the collaborative process of producing TV and radio advertisements.